1st Area Wave 6
1st Area Ashitaba City 0006
May 27 6:13 PM
鞍部十郎: …みんな揃ったか?
Juro Kurabe: …Everyone here?
冬坂 五百里: 私のロボット…なんだかみんなのより遅くない?
Iori Fuyusaka: Is it just me, or… is my robot a little slower than everyone else’s?
関ヶ原瑛: 第2世代の機兵は他の世代より兵装が多い分、重量過多だ
重量は2000tを優に超える… 地下道を踏み抜かないように気をつけろ
Ei Sekigahara: The 2nd-generation Sentinels are more heavily armed than other models… but also more heavy in general.
They're well over 2,000 tons, so careful where you step. Don’t want to crash through some underground structure.
鞍部十郎: 乗せてる核融合炉が重いからね…
Juro Kurabe: The fusion reactor on it is pretty heavy…
But its energy output is off the charts. Enough that it can power a Plasma Arc Fusion Cutter.
Once you know how to use that… You'll be slicing up kaiju like a knife through butter.
英1行目 they'd """be""" heavy.
東雲諒子: 格闘用の腕も…本来は高層ビルのメガ柱解体用…重いはずよ…
Ryoko Shinonome: Their original purpose was to break down massive pillars for high-rise buildings… Of course they’d be heavy.
But in a close-quarters fight, that 1,300-ton grip strength will come in handy.
関ヶ原瑛: 第2世代は…多くの支援ユニットとリンクしていて、それらを呼び出せる
Ei Sekigahara: 2nd-generation models are linked to a squad of support units, too. They’ll respond to distress calls.
If you can figure out the best time to use them, you might just turn the tides of battle.
冬坂五百里: そ、そんな一度に言われても覚えられないよ…
Iori Fuyusaka: I-I dunno if I can remember all that...
冬坂五百里: ちょっと大変…ドローンでミワちゃん見つけたんだけど
Iori Fuyusaka: Oh geez, that’s not good… I found Miwa-chan with the drone.
如月兎美: 見つかった⁈よかった…
Tomi Kisaragi: You found her!? That’s a relief…
冬坂五百里: それが…ミワちゃん次のターミナルの方へ逃げてるの
Iori Fuyusaka: No, listen… Miwa-chan’s heading right for the next terminal!
如月兎美: ええっ、何やってんのミワコ!
Tomi Kisaragi: What!? Miwako, what’re you doing?
南奈津乃: あの子、方向音痴だし…ほっとくとあぶないよ
Natsuno Minami: That girl has no sense of direction… We can't just leave her.
如月兎美: わたし…ちょっと行って反対の方へ避難させる
Tomi Kisaragi: I'm gonna go meet up with her. We’ll make sure she runs somewhere safer.
南奈津乃: 頼んだわよ…
Natsuno Minami: We’re counting on you…
郷登蓮也: 如月はどうした…あわててどこへ行ったんだ…
Renya Gouto: Where’s Kisaragi…? Where did she just run off to?
冬坂五百里: いやあの…
Iori Fuyusaka: Well, um…
郷登蓮也: 如月…どこにいる応答しろ
Renya Gouto: Kisaragi, what’s your status? Answer me.
Kisaragi, that girl is―
如月兎美: わかってる、ミワコ誘導したらすぐ戻るから
Tomi Kisaragi: I know! I’ll get back to the battle once Miwako’s safe.
郷登蓮也: …
Renya Gouto: …